Your Practice/Specialty

Our program can reap significant quality and financial benefits for several practice specialties:


CardiologyNuclear stress testing has become a standard of care for cardiology office practices.  Regardless of the size of your practice, we can design an office-based program for your practice that will enhance quality of care for your patients and personal income for you.

Primary Care

CardiologyYou care for the needs of more patients than most specialties, yet traditionally don’t benefit from high tech or lucrative procedures in your office practice.  Our program shows you how to manage the next step of the diagnostic process right in your office:  You determine when a nuclear stress test is needed, you supervise the stress test in your office, and guided by our definitive reports, you determine whether cardiology specialty care is needed or not.

Endocrinology & Diabetes Care

Cardiology**80% of all diabetics die of coronary artery disease**
Myocardial Perfusion Imaging is excellent in predicting future cardiac events for diabetes patients, and is a critical screening test for many of your patients.  Patients over 40 years of age, with diabetes and another related risk factor (smoking, obesity, shortness of breath, etc.) have the same risk for a future cardiac event as patients without diabetes who have already had a heart attack.    Let us show you how we can help you take your practice to the next level of enhanced care with our office-based nuclear cardiology program in your Endocrinology practice.





Physician Testimonials

"It is an excellent program that has become an integral part of my practice.”Customer Signature


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